Applying for a new credit card can cause some anxiety especially if you have no way of knowing whether you've been approved or not. No problem, that's exactly what an instant approval credit card is made for. It is set up provide you some feedback about your card application status after you apply.
Not only does it update you on your application status, an instant approval credit card also provides additional benefits. Before filling out the card's application form, it's best you learn about the various benefits and features of the card. Here are the 3 primary features you have to be concerned with before you sign up for an instant approval credit card.
What is the interest rate?
As you fill out a credit card application form, you will find that it provides a 0% annual percentage rate (APR) in its introductory period. During this period, you're not required to pay interest, whatsoever. However, regular interest charges will be in place eventually. Know what the regular APR is as this will guide you on your purchases and card usage.
Incentives and rewards
Most instant approval credit cards offer incentives and rewards. You may earn cash back as a reward for using your card, or earn travel points in frequent flyer programs. If you find a card that offer appealing rewards, then read the fine print first. This will give you some understanding of the terms and conditions of the program.
What are the fees involved?
You'll be surprised that there are a number of required fees involved in an instant approval credit card. You may be charged annual fees for card usage, late fees for missed payments or credit limit fees for spending over the card's credit limit. It is worth mentioning again that you have to go through the fine print with a fine comb to make you familiar with any extra charges that can arise.
After choosing the card you want, the next step is filling out an online application. Be prepared to furnish some basic personal and financial information about yourself, particularly your current employment and salary status, Social Security number, and your housing condition.
After submitting the application, you will know within less than a minute if you have been approved for the card or not. You will be informed through email, so you have to check your account right after applying to know the result of your application. Credit card companies will verify your FICO credit score, a rating system used by credit reporting agencies to assess your credit standing. If you've got a good score, then you'll be approved immediately.
If you happen to have a low credit score, you still have a chance to get a card for you. There are some cards specifically made for persons with low credit ratings. If you think you have a low credit score or had some credit troubles previously, then choose this card that is designed for your credit condition.
An instant approval credit card will give you much-needed information concerning your application's status without delay. Once you get your approval, you will receive your credit card through the mail and you can start using it as soon as it reaches you.
Not only does it update you on your application status, an instant approval credit card also provides additional benefits. Before filling out the card's application form, it's best you learn about the various benefits and features of the card. Here are the 3 primary features you have to be concerned with before you sign up for an instant approval credit card.
What is the interest rate?
As you fill out a credit card application form, you will find that it provides a 0% annual percentage rate (APR) in its introductory period. During this period, you're not required to pay interest, whatsoever. However, regular interest charges will be in place eventually. Know what the regular APR is as this will guide you on your purchases and card usage.
Incentives and rewards
Most instant approval credit cards offer incentives and rewards. You may earn cash back as a reward for using your card, or earn travel points in frequent flyer programs. If you find a card that offer appealing rewards, then read the fine print first. This will give you some understanding of the terms and conditions of the program.
What are the fees involved?
You'll be surprised that there are a number of required fees involved in an instant approval credit card. You may be charged annual fees for card usage, late fees for missed payments or credit limit fees for spending over the card's credit limit. It is worth mentioning again that you have to go through the fine print with a fine comb to make you familiar with any extra charges that can arise.
After choosing the card you want, the next step is filling out an online application. Be prepared to furnish some basic personal and financial information about yourself, particularly your current employment and salary status, Social Security number, and your housing condition.
After submitting the application, you will know within less than a minute if you have been approved for the card or not. You will be informed through email, so you have to check your account right after applying to know the result of your application. Credit card companies will verify your FICO credit score, a rating system used by credit reporting agencies to assess your credit standing. If you've got a good score, then you'll be approved immediately.
If you happen to have a low credit score, you still have a chance to get a card for you. There are some cards specifically made for persons with low credit ratings. If you think you have a low credit score or had some credit troubles previously, then choose this card that is designed for your credit condition.
An instant approval credit card will give you much-needed information concerning your application's status without delay. Once you get your approval, you will receive your credit card through the mail and you can start using it as soon as it reaches you.
About the Author:
Benedict recommends Real Claims to PPI Claims and Wilson Field for Pre-Pack Administration and Liquidations
I took out a bad credit card with Vanquis Bank to help repair my poor credit rating which fell into trouble when I defaulted on several mortgage payments. Fortunately, I have sorted the mortgage deficits out and just need to get my credit score back in order.