Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Meaning Of Using A Mortgage Calculator

By John Smith

Before stepping outside to go house hunting, you should find out how much you can afford. If you don't know what you can afford then it is a waste of your time, as well as a real tors time, to even go looking at houses. Knowing how much you can afford will enable you to spend your time looking at only those houses in your price range. If you're not ready for the stress and overwhelming amount of information that comes from dealing with a lender, then using a mortgage calculator to provide you with a rough idea of how large a monthly payment you can afford is a great option.

Mortgage and loan calculators are tools to use when you want to know how much a loan will cost you. To use a mortgage calculator is one of the first steps in the mortgage process. First, find out what kind of mortgage works best for you. There are many choices for you. You can chose a fixed rate mortgage or an adjustable rate mortgage. Then use these mortgage calculators to determine the amount of mortgage you can afford. You can also choose to determine your new monthly mortgage payments. Mortgage calculators can also be used to calculate payments on debt consolidation mortgage loans and see your monthly savings.

Using the mortgage calculator, you can input these factors individually and see what happens to your bottom line. A small additional prepayment to your regular mortgage payment may be what pushes you over the top. A prepayment mortgage calculator can show you what it means over the life of your note. The beauty of the prepayment is that it is optional, not contractual. Unlike an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM), you are not locked in to an increase every one to five years. You're only responsible to make the original mortgage payment.

However, be aware that you should not count credit card payments if you pay off your balance each month without ever owing interest. Debts such as your current housing expenses, such as your rent or mortgage, should not be included the mortgage calculator. When you come to the option for the interest rate, you can either choose the default value or input your own. Be aware that a mortgage calculator wont produce accurate results if you use a rate on a 15-year loan or on a one-year ARM. The default value given is based on the current 30-year fixed rate with only one point.

Lastly, when you arrive at the results screen, there will be options that allow you to override some of the parameters you gave in order to recalculate. Included are the minimum required down payment percentage and also other parameters that are not user-specific on the initial screen. The former is beneficial because many people today are purchasing houses with no money down. The results you get from using an online mortgage calculator will most likely not be accurate; however, they can provide you with a firm base from where to begin shopping from. Though it can be a hassle, as well as a bit time consuming, it is always best to consult a lender and get pre-approved for an amount you can afford. In the end, you will have to take this step anyway, but in the beginning a mortgage calculator like Mortgage Rate Calculator can be a great tool that helps you begin the long process of owning a home.

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