Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mortgage Protection Success

By Joe D Froats

Mortgage protection leads are important to any insurance agent who wants to do well in the business and who wants to offer good service to their clients.

Not all leads are good however and an agent some times has to work much harder to secure a closing than anticipated. This occurs because people change their decisions as their circumstances vary..

Most agents know that the insurance business is a hard sell and that prospects have the concept that they can get this vital piece of resource at a later date.

It is when they are caught in awkward situations such as losing a job, becoming permanently disabled or dying do they or other family members realize how important it is to get protection.

If an agent does not work with mortgage protection leads, then the agent has to do a lot of cold calling. When appointments are set, the agent has to use a personal vehicle to tread the long miles to the prospects home and there are instances where the prospect forgets the appointment and is not home.

If the client is home then the agent can educate and instruct him, yet that does not guarantee closing as a prospect must be ready to accept and decide to be protected.

Other Factors Come Into Play

Current circumstances of the prospect are another factor. The agent can actually use that situation to help the prospect to see the real need for insurance. With the current economy peole tensd to with draw and become risk-averse in their decision making.

An agent's task is to use the situation so a prospect can visualize the importance or insurance, and the likely outcome if they did not.

Having leads affords an agent some flexibility, and results in handling a prospect with increaqsed confidence. An individual would likely have enough information to realize the importance of insurance.

Instruct Your Prospects

An agent can make the decision to provide information to the prospect without any sales aggression or coercion. If a prospect is initially reluctant, it does not mean that the agent has to give up with closing the sale. Your prospect may require a little time to consider things. A spouse is usually involved so make certain they will be present when an appointment is set. Both parties have to mutually agree before the agent can complete the sale.

The mortgage protection leads allow the agent to deal with prospects that are more willing to work with and are also willing to trust the expertise of the agent. If the agent seems to have the best interest of the prospect at heart, the prospect will give the agent the opportunity to prove that.

People prefer an insurance agent who is a straightforward individual. An agent who provides both the advantages and disadvantages of owning insurance reassures his prospect who then increases his confidence in in deciding correctly.

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